Monday, November 14, 2011

Chocolate Quotes by Cadbury

This guy found a bottle on the ocean, and he opened it and out popped a genie, and he gave him three wishes. The guy wished for a million dollars, and poof! there was a million dollars. Then he wished for a convertible, and poof! there was a convertible. And then, he wished he could be irresistible to all women… poof! he turned into a box of chocolates.

I could give up chocolate but I’m not a quitter.

I have this theory that chocolate slows down the aging process…. It may not be true, but do I dare take the chance?

Forget love — I’d rather fall in chocolate!!!

It's not that chocolates are a substitute for love. Love is a substitute for chocolate. Chocolate is, let's face it, far more reliable than a man   Miranda Ingram

There's nothing better than a good friend, except a good friend with CHOCOLATE   Linda Grayson

Strength is the capacity to break a chocolate bar into four pieces with your bare hands and then eat just one of the pieces   Judith Viorst

There are four basic food groups, milk chocolate, dark chocolate,
white chocolate and chocolate truffles

Chocolate is a perfect food, as wholesome as it is delicious, a beneficent restorer of exhausted is the best friend of those engaged in literary pursuits.
Baron Justus von Liebig, German chemist (1803-1873)

Twill make Old Women Young and Fresh; Create New Motions of the Flesh. And cause them long for you know what, If they but taste of chocolate.  from “A History of the Nature and Quality of Chocolate”, James Wadworth (1768-1844)

The divine drink, which builds up resistance and fights fatigue. A cup of this precious drink (cocoa) permits a man to walk for a whole day without food.   Montezuma - Aztec Emperor (c. 1480-1520)

‘If you are not feeling well, if you have not slept, chocolate will revive you.  But you have no chocolate!  I think of that again and again!  My dear, how will you ever manage?’
Marquise de Sévigné (17th Century French writer)

‘Biochemically, love is just like eating large amounts of chocolate.’ John Milton

‘Exercise is a dirty word.  Every time I hear it I wash my mouth out with chocolate.” Charles M Schultz

‘Once in a while I say, ‘go for it’ and I eat chocolate.’
Claudia Schiffer

‘Stress wouldn’t be so hard to take if it were chocolate covered.’

‘Chocolate is cheaper than therapy and you don’t need an appointment.’

 ‘Chocolate is nature’s way of making up for Mondays.’

‘There’s more to life than chocolate but not right now.’

‘Life without chocolate is life lacking something important.”  Writers Marcia Colman Morton and Frederic Morton

‘My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is to finish what I start. So far I’ve finished two bags of M&Ms and a chocolate cake.  I feel better already.’ Dave Barry

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